This page contains some resources in the form of links and books to help you in your quest for more information.
Pediatric and Adolescent Gender Dysphoria Working Group – An international discussion space for clinicians and researchers, composed of psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, researchers, and psychoanalysts that have a special interest in the treatment of GD in children, adolescents, and young people.
Rethink Identify Medicine Ethics – – ReIME is a non-profit education and research organization dedicated to improving ethical long term care and treatment for gender non-conforming children and youth.
SEGM – Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine -Is an international group of over 100 clinicians and researchers concerned about the lack of quality evidence for the use of hormonal and surgical interventions as first-line treatment for young people with gender dysphoria. They represent expertise from a range of clinical disciplines.
The Paradox Institute -The content they produce is informed by scientific literature; professionals from the fields of biology, psychology, endocrinology, and sociology. This website has excellent videos that explain biology, DSD’s and intersex conditions, and each video has a printable PDF transcript that is a very useful resource for attaching to letters and emails.
4thWaveNow – Research Page – 4thWaveNow is a community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth.
Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network – GCCAN is a group of past and present gender care consumers with concerns and objections with gender care today. – Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans – This is a space for parents that have been impacted by gender ideology to share their uncensored stories, thoughts and experiences.
The following are books that are very informative and well written – highly recommended!
‘An intelligent, thorough rejoinder to an idea that has swept across much of the liberal world seemingly overnight.…Open conversation about such fraught issues is the only realistic path forward.’ – The New York Times

My Body is Me is an upbeat, rhyming picture book, aimed for 3-6 year olds, written by Rachel Rooney and illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg in consultation with TransgenderTrend. It introduces children to the workings of the human body, and celebrates similarities and differences while challenging sex stereotypes. It also aims to promote a positive self-image and foster self-care skills. The text is inclusive for children with physical or sensory disabilities.
RacheI Rooney is a trained teacher in Primary and Special Education. She taught for many years across a range of school settings and has particular interest and experience working with pupils with ASC (Autism). She is now an award-winning children’s poet and picture book writer.